Welcome to Nursery. This information pack will hopefully help answer lots of questions you may have about the routines this year.
Daily routine – Nursery starts at 1pm and children are to wait at the Reception/Year1 gate where staff will meet you. At 3.10pm the children will be collected from the same gate.
Seesaw – Thank you for signing up to Seesaw. When you download the app, you will get notifications when photos are added to your child’s account, and you can comment or like the photo/work if you would like to do so. We will also be using this app to send messages and reminders to parents and to share homework tasks. You can access Seesaw on a tablet, phone, laptop or PC.

X (Twitter)– Follow us on twitter to see some of the lovely things we do in school and for up to date news and events @CymerPrimary.

Name tags – Please make sure all your children’s items are labelled (jumpers, T–shirts, coats, shoes, bags etc.). This makes it much easier for us to find and return lost items if they are named.
Forest Schools – ‘Muddy Monday’
‘Forest Schools’ activities will take place on a Monday. Please could your child wear joggers/leggings/trousers to school on a Monday. We have waterproof suits to put on before we go outside. We have lots of wellies in school in many sizes the children can use.
PE – Friday
Please can you send your child to school wearing joggers/leggings and trainers with their school uniform on top.
Snack– Please can you send in £1 a week for snack.
Parent meetings – We are proud to operate an open door policy at Cymer Afan. If you have any concerns/worries just pop us a message on Seesaw or ring the school and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Text Service – Please make sure we have an up to date mobile phone number as the school uses this service to keep you updated on school events or important and urgent notices. (e.g., school closure due to snow etc.)
Many thanks! We look forward to working with your children this year.
Miss Enoch and Miss Edel