Welcome to Oak Class! Here is the new information for this school year and some reminders:
Drop off and pick up: Children will come in and leave via the gate near the kitchen – 8:55am and 3:20pm. Breakfast club
SeeSaw: I will be using SeeSaw to document your children’s work and the challenges they complete in class. This is also a fantastic tool for us to communicate with one another and for you to see reminders and messages from myself. I have sent a code which will allow you to access your child’s account. If you have any trouble with accessing the SeeSaw account, please ring the school or speak to me at the gate. I always try to reply to messages ASAP.
Social Media: Please follow our social media accounts to see some of the lovely things that we do in school and to keep up to date with news and events.
Name tags: Please can you ensure that all your child’s clothing and belongings have their name clearly labelled.
Dinner: Don’t forget all school dinners are free for our pupils due to the Welsh Government funding. You can find out what’s for lunch each week by accessing Neath Port Talbot’s Broccoli Bob website.
Water bottles: It is important that children drink plenty of water to help them concentrate and learn in school. Please make sure your child brings in a labelled water bottle with them everyday filled with water.
Parent meetings: We are proud to operate an open-door policy! The best way to contact us if you have any worries/concerns/questions is to pop us a message on SeeSaw, ring the school or see us at the gates.
Snack: Children are welcome to bring a piece of fruit in for a healthy snack at break times.
Hwb is used as a learning tool in class daily. It is a great tool at home too for practising times tables and spellings using the J2Blast and J2Spell games. If you need your child’s Hwb log in, please message me.
Text service: Please make sure we have your up-to-date mobile number as the school’s text service keeps you updated on events and important notices.
P.E will be every Monday afternoon: Could you please ensure that your child comes to school in their P.E kit as we will not be changing clothes in class. Can all pupils wear P.E kit on the bottom (joggers/leggings/trainers) and wear their school polo/jumper on the top.
Swimming will be every other Tuesday afternoon starting from the 10th September. Can your child please bring their swimming kit to school (towel, swimming costume and goggles). Can they also ensure that they have a coat on the day as we will be walking to the pool regardless of the weather. The pool has stated that they are no longer supplying goggles.
Reading: Please bring your child’s book into school to be changed weekly on a Thursday (if needed). I will update you on how we are going to run our reading shortly via SeeSaw.
Times tables: Every week on Thursday, children complete a Times Table Challenge in class where they answer questions on their specific times table in random order. Each child will start on a times table that they are comfortable with and build up their confidence. This is a fun way of learning their times tables as we practise daily! It would be great if you could practice their times tables with them at home as this will help them further.
Fridays: Mrs Quinn will be in class every Friday (I will be in class Mon-Thurs) and will be doing Forest Schools/creative activities so can the children please come to school dressed appropriately or bring extra clothing to stay clean (wellies, coats, hats, etc).
Please do not hesitate to contact myself or come to the gates to see me about any concerns that you may have or whether you just want to have a check up on how your child is doing in school and in class. I look forward to seeing/hearing from you!
Mrs Davies